Case Studies - Across the Industry
Emergency 315kW VSD Hire Drive Installation
Delivery, installation and commissioning of a replacement drive. Only 4 hours from arrival to fully functioning. Ensuring a seamless integration with the existing system, restoring the pumps to full capacity and safeguarding from potential flooding.
Sluice Gate New Control System
Design, build and install a new control system and re-cable following a refurbishment. The upgrade has gives effective operational functionality for decades to come. It improves gate performance, reduces the potential for failure and mitigates the risk of flooding.
A Modern Makeover
When a Midlands based ceramics manufacturer found it was becoming increasingly less efficient and its productivity seriously reduced, it reached out to Drive Solutions Centre partner Total Automated Solutions to provide a solution.
Reviving Efficiency
Through commissioning the machine, all the instruments, and linking any removed infrastructure that was not present, we managed to get the Megawashers and Spiropress units back running in automatic. Saving the end user time and money in maintenance and consumed electricity
Power and Desalination Plant
Total Automated Solutions was awarded a contract to design, install and commission a SCADA package to monitor and archive water quality parameters on the Umm Al Nar power and desalination plant located on Sas Al Nakiel Island, Abu Dhabi.
Renewable Energy Project
Drive Solutions Centre partner Total Automated Solutions was approached to provide a drives solution to reduce energy usage at a hotel in southern England. With the current Government guidelines, due to the hotel having limited space, the project had to be completed remotely.
Renewable Water in Hong Kong
As the world faces increasing environmental challenges, manufacturers across the world are turning to renewable energies to become more sustainable. Upgrading manufacturing plants and working towards a more environmentally aware future has never been more relevant.
Hotel Secures Ideal Water Pressure
Installation of a PLC, variable speed drives and touch screen display from Mitsubishi Electric to ensure the correct water pressure without impacting hotel’s daily operations.
Minimising Lost, Maximising Safety
New Control and Automation solution to expedited batching process and ensure the secure stacking of goods for distribution, with added valve panel for extra safety.
Telemetry System for a Landfill Site
Total Automated Solutions tendered for the design, supply and installation of a GSM, Text-based Telemetry System on a Landfill Site. The aim of the project was to provide status messages, critical alarms and remote control on five remote pumping stations throughout the site.
You're in Safe Hands
Total Automated Solutions won the contract to configure the Control and SCADA system on the new installation of a Lamella system at a Water Treatment Works in Scotland.